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my inner monologue...
![]() site by Andrew Seely ![]() andrewseely@gmail.com AIM: chimchim91 ![]() recent comments www.flickr.com
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Monday, December 31, 200712.31.07
It's the last one. Kinda going to miss it, maybe I'll think of a new project to start on, who knows?
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment. My Myspace My Facebook ![]() ghetto 8612.30.07
Sorry the link is late, I just forgot to post here, the pic has been up since last night. Last day today, looking forward the last one today.
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment. My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Saturday, December 29, 200712.29.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() 12.28.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Friday, December 28, 2007apple-jam
Here are the facts. My compy is now over 5 years old. It's a HP pavillion ze5000 Pentium 4 2.0Ghz with 512MB of ram 40G hard drive, a crappy video card, a CD-RW/DVD drive that doesn't burn anymore and gets REALLY HOT when you play things in it, especially DVDs, the screen flickers and is about 1/2 as bright as it used to be, the internal wi-fi (802.11b) doesn't work anymore, I have to use a PCI card, the buttons on the touch pad don't work (so I always use an external mouse (thank goodness it's wireless)), and the batteries (I had 2) hold charges for about 5 min (and no I'm not exaggerating), which means I ALWAYS have to be near a plug and lug around the power brick. On top of that all it weighs in at about 10-13 lbs. C-H-U-N-K-Y!!!! It's been a great lappy and I've appreciated it ever since I got it. It's just time. It's starting to get to the point where I'm getting slightly more and more worried that one day it's just going to go kapoot on me and that's it.
At this point it's not even worth it to put money into it to upgrade it. It would be at least 200-500 to bring it up to speed, but that's just really memory and hard drive and maybe a new CD/DVD drive, but that does nothing for the board and processor, which to say is a HUGE part. On top of that, I've been coveting the elusive MacBook Pro. Yes probably more machine than I need, and I could get away with just a MacBook, but hey it's my computer and I'll do as I wish. And I'd kinda like the bigger screen. Portability is not my #1 factor in choosing a machine. What to do? Well as most of you know, I'm not exactly in the position to fork over bucco bucks for a Mac. Here comes my 2 part plan. Part one involves me finally getting around to redesigning this blog. From head to toe. Maybe even hosting it myself, but that's still up in the air. But for sure a full redesign, cleaner, not black and a little more web 2.0, more like web 1.8323. But still an upgrade from the current state. My biggest hangup besides the whole design part is whether to keep "Doogie Howser Did It, So Why Not Me" or just move it all over to andrewseely.com. The pro to doogie, is that it's memorable, but I feel that I started with that title just as something fun. andrewseely.com has a bit more of professional tone to it and it goes along with my domain name. (Here's where you get to chime in on that part, use the comments as usual.) I hope to have the redesigned site up by the middle of Jan (but maybe don't hold your breath too much), but realistically I'd love to have it done by the beginning of feb maybe in time for my blogaversary (feb 4th). Part two involves raising the nearly $3000 it's going to take to get me my new lappy. Yes I know that's a lot. Yes I know there are other "suitable" laptops out there, but everyone's entitled to something a little nice. So either you can help me out or you can conscientiously object. I'm not asking for "handouts" here. I have a plan. And that plan is "THE DREADED AD SPACE" dun, dun, dunnn!!!! I'm hoping on the generosity and friendship of the blogosphere out there. It's not something for nothing, it's something for something. I fear that I may get the better of the two, but I'm hoping there's some generous people out there. OK here's how it's gonna work. I've decided to sell 15 (fifteen) ads on the blog each lasting 10 months, for a total price of $200 (broken down that's $20/mo for you math wizzes). I know that's a bit high for ad space for a blog that isn't THAT popular, but again here's where your generosity plays a part. The ads are going to be 150px by 50px which would look like this (you create a banner and I'll put it up): I would really like to be able to sell ads to people/sites/organizations that I support and know, but I will be a bit discriminate about what ends up on the blog, I won't just take ads because it means revenue for me. Here's a partial list of dream people/organizations/websites that I'd like to buy ad space from me (feel free to suggest more or ask others for me): -youth specialties (nudge, nudge Marko) -YMX (youth ministry exchange) -Zondervan -Any of my Emergent friends who have a book(s) coming out soon (wink wink Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt, Brian McLaren) -digg -KCRW -the movie Once -google (or any of their products) -apple (since it's to buy one of their machines) (or you could be SUPER cool and give me one and I'll give you all the free ad space you want or you can laser engrave anything you want into the cover) -your church -any of YOUR blogs/websites Please help out if you can or pass the word if you know of any of the people mentioned above or if you know of any good organizations/people out there who might want to buy some cheap ad space that will go to a good cause. Let's harness the power of social networking. I've added two buttons/widgets to the left side of the page for now (ChipIn and a paypal button), to make things easier for you to be generous or to buy ad space. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at [ andrewseely at gmail dot com ] Here's the link to this post so you can blog about it: http://aslanseely.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html#2610500771541581305 Or feel free to submit this to any of the social news sites, such as digg or stumbleupon, etc. Help a brother/blogger/youth minister out. ![]() Thursday, December 27, 200712.27.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Wednesday, December 26, 200712.26.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Tuesday, December 25, 200712.25.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Monday, December 24, 200712.24.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() remote
It's one of those times where I wish I could just hit the fast forward button on my life. Maybe just for a while.
I know that means missing out on a number of things, but there's the hope that things would be different than they are now. But more than likely I'd just end up feeling the same way I do now. I feel like the damsel waiting in the tower for someone to come and rescue me, but maybe i should be working on a rope to get myself down. This isn't a pity post, so I don't need words of comfort or concern. If anything it's just a purge. As I sit and reflect of the past year, it has been good, but with that good has come much pain and anguish, and so that makes it hard to focus on all the good and joy that I've experienced so far. I'm in the midst of a crisis of self. I'm not too sure of who I am. Who I want to be, how to get there, or even who I want to become. I need a breath of air. Clean crisp air that clears the mind of the fog that's engulfed me. In that way I'm excited that this year I get to spend some peace and quiet by myself on christmas. I'm going to sleep in, wake up cook a good meal, and maybe take a drive down to the beach or something. If I can motivate myself to get out of the house. In a lot of ways I need an extended sabbath to search God's heart, see if mine is lining up. My brain and emotions are going so fast I can't even read the signs by the side of the road that God wants me to read. Stop. Breathe. Listen. Be. Isn't that what the christmas story is about? ![]() Sunday, December 23, 200712.23.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Saturday, December 22, 2007ghetto 8512.22.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() 12.21.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Thursday, December 20, 200712.20.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() ghetto 84Wednesday, December 19, 200712.19.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() opensaysme
We are a mere few days away from opening the new Panera in Northridge. We open on Dec 20th at 6am!!!
It's quite a task opening a store, as a part of the management team that means LOOOOOONG days. I think I'll hit near 60 hours in 5 days. That's my reason for not posting much. Might be a few weeks before I have any energy to post anything of substance. We'll see. I'm going to value my days off. If you are in the Northridge area, come by and say hi. ![]() Tuesday, December 18, 200712.18.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Monday, December 17, 200712.17.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Sunday, December 16, 200712.16.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Saturday, December 15, 200712.15.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Friday, December 14, 200712.14.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Thursday, December 13, 200712.13.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Wednesday, December 12, 200712.12.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Tuesday, December 11, 200712.11.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Monday, December 10, 2007ghetto 83momentum pt 4
Original post, pt 1.5, pt 1.75, pt 2, pt 3 pt 3.5
sorry for the delay on this, I hope many of you are still willing to participate in this discussion Section 2 - Who is worshipping? In many ways this post is about who Jesus calls to himself. And who God connects with. I don't know if there is a way to break this down into two different sections without it getting too confounded. But I think it may benefit us to at least acknowledge that we could spend time talking about those who already go to church and those who have little to no experience with a corporate worship setting. For the time being I would like to at least discuss and explore the idea that Jesus brings the little children to his side and also makes the claim that "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."I hope that it is these examples that define my understanding of who church is for and explains the essence of who is worshipping. Having said that, if we hold these examples to be a model of how we should shape the way and tone of how we worship, then maybe we need to evaluate the practical understanding of what worship is about. Simply maybe our worship experience should be about allowing ourselves to be wretched and maimed, fallen sinners. Fully exposed and naked to the God who created us and has everything we need. For a long time I have desired worship to be a place where we come unadorned and simple. Willing for our flaws and personalities to be exposed and unashamed. Too many examples run through my head about how we should act or dress when we approach "worship". Then there are the stories of times when the grace of God is best exhibited when the least likely best display the understanding and love God. I have fallen in love with the idea of children/babies in worship. They bring the innocence that we sometimes lose sight of when a bunch of adults get together. Yes, sometimes they are distracting and annoying. But we as adults have forgotten that they are part of the community as well and should be welcomed into it flaws and all. On another note, I think that allowing children to stay in worship the entire time, forces (at least us pastor types) us to make worship accessible for EVERYONE. Isn't that the goal of worship for anyone to walk in and experience the loving presence of God. There are no requirements (at last time I checked) for people to come to worship. You don't need a BA or a MBA or even the ability to articulate yourself with words. I am constantly reminded and encouraged by the stories of both Henri Nouwen and Mike Yaconelli, and their work with people with mental disabilities. The stories of grace and unabashed tendencies to speak their minds at the most inopportune times, usually ends in a verbal expression of what we all were thinking but were too afraid to articulate. A free place to worship where every voice is valuable, sometimes more so from those we would deem to be lesser than others. So who is worshipping? Who is worship for? God calls all to the person hood of God, some respond, some deny, some are curious, but never are there prerequisites. Ultimately there is the requisite of faith, but before that point, I never see conditions set upon those who come to inquire about who this man Jesus was. I desire to be a child of God who can come and sit at the feet of Jesus and not be asked to leave because God doesn't have time for me. I want others to be uninhibited to walk into a church and find a connection with God. Whoever they may be. I want worship to be for everyone. I want a Muslim to be able to walk into a church and experience community. I want church doors flung open and stay open so that people may find refuge from the world. I want worship to be geared towards both children, adults, teens and silver-haired saints (those with more wisdom), all at the same time. Yes it requires more work and thought, but that is what I perceive worship to be about. I want to come as I am, in that moment. Maybe next time I'll be in a different state, but for for I am where I am. And others are where they are, but we all are accepted and welcomed. Maybe this post should have been "who should be worshipping?" I hope this begins some thought about those who chose to come and what we say to them by our values and our formats. Let the sick come to be healed. Let the children come and sit at Jesus' feet. For we all are children of God. again these are thoughts flowing out of my head, they may not all be fully articulated, hopefully they are a starting point for thought and discussion coming soon... Section 3 - Worship reflects culture. Section 4 - How to worship (spaces and format). Section 5 - Other issues. ![]() 12.10.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Sunday, December 09, 200712.08.07 - 12.09.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
I guess I forgot to blog that yesterday's pic was up. It's been up I just didn't notice that I hadn't informed you all. Enjoy. My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Saturday, December 08, 20073X5
"didn't have a camera by my side this time" - john mayer song: 3x5
No longer will this be the case. In case you didn't know this about me. I really like photography. Both taking pics and looking at them. I get all artsy fartsy and want to take interesting pictures of stuff. Which means, I like fancier cameras. I didn't "own" a camera until just now. Oh I guess I should tell you that I just got a Cannon A720is I really like to fiddle with settings and manual features. But there's no real way I can afford a good DSLR (digital single reflex lens) camera, so I had to get a point and shoot. Someday I'll be able to spend the 800-2500 to get a really nice DSLR and I will be one happy camper. Thanks to my mom and sister for making this happen. An early xmas gift. From the research that I did it looks like I got some good quality at the price I was willing to pay. Back to not really having ever owned a camera, the old ghetto blog camera doesn't count, the current ghetto blog doesn't really count since it really doesn't serve any practical purpose except to take ghetto blog pics. And especially since I started the pic a day project the current ghetto blog camera just wasn't cutting it. So what a great opportunity to make an upgrade. I took over 250 shots tonight and ended up keeping around 150 of them. I'm quite happy with a lot of them. We'll see where this goes. I'm pretty much planning on having it with me most of the time. So don't be surprised if you see my face glued to a camera from now on. Here are a few of my favorite shots from tonight. (as always click for larger) ![]() 12.07.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment. Sorry it's late, see this post for some explination.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() Thursday, December 06, 2007chimchim
I had heard about this movie for a while now and some of the intresting visual effects that it was going to have. But I hadn't seen any shots to see if it was actually going to look good.
The visual effect that is used for the movie is that everything is in focus. Both the background and the foreground are in clear focus, creating a unique style. Of course this was imagined by the Wachowski (of matrix fame) sibilings (I say sibilings because...well do an internet search). The trailer is below. And I'm excited about the speed racer part. I've always liked that show and the story. So it should be good on more than one level. ![]() 12.06.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook PS Tomorrow's photo may be up late, though it should be a better quality (will share why when it happens) and will have multiple friends of the day. ![]() Wednesday, December 05, 200712.05.07
Today's photo is up for your enjoyment.
My Myspace My Facebook ![]() iHeartGoogle
No more AIM for me...well at least no more window open on the side of my desktop.
AIM + Gmail = bueno see this post ---------- update 1:07a Hello Gmail Blog readers. I hope you'll take some time and browse around. My name is Andrew Seely, I usually blog about God and religion, don't let that scare you off, I'm part of a growing number of christians who are discontened with more traditonal understandings of God, faith and religion. Maybe you'll resonate. I don't like the cultural baggage that comes with the word "christian" these days, let's talk about what it means to follow God and Jesus. See my post below for a good example of things that run through my head. Feel free to read, comment or email me andrewseely at gmail dot com ![]() |